Our Compressor Remanufacturing Process

tn_119_1984What do you mean by compressor remanufacturing?

Remanufacturing is the process of restoring a used compressor to a condition that is brought back to OEM specs. The compressor must be completely disassembled, cleaned, and inspected. The integrity of the basic “core” parts – casting, crank shaft, – are closely inspected and checked against original equipment manufacturer’s specifications. They are remachined to bring them back to OEM specification to return the remanufactured compressor to original equipment tolerances.

Wearable parts such as bearings, rings, rod, pistons , motor , valve plates and gaskets are replaced.

Our Process for Remanufacturing Includes:

« All cores are disassembled completely and run through a caustic bath, then pressure washed and dried.

« All parts are replaced with new parts to meet OEM specifications.

« Stators are re-wound in house by our motor winder.

« Crank shafts are inspected and brought to a machine shop for grinding if necessary to OEM Spec.

« All compressors are test run under load conditions on our closed loop nitrogen test system in our shop. The data is recorded and kept on file.

« The compressors are pressure tested, deep vacuumed, and then charged with nitrogen.

We believe that there is only one way to build a quality compressor – the RIGHT WAY. At Southern Compressors we are dedicated to providing quality and professionalism every step of the way. And for us that means never cutting corners and doing things right – the first time.